4 Exercises To Tone Your Butt

4 Exercises To Tone Your Butt

 A busy life can often derail your fitness plan. But even doing a few exercises when you have time can help you feel stronger and feel better in your clothes. I am a fan of resistance bands because they are easy to use at home, the office, or on the road. I’m a frequent flyer, so I stick a few in my suitcase and can use them right in my hotel room. Bands offer the same benefits of other resistance equipment without being big and heavy. If you use proper form and a challenging level of tension, your muscle fibers won’t know the difference between weights or bands. Even better, bands can offer more muscle recruitment because you can use multiple muscle groups at once. Try a squat with an overhead press or try a lunge with a bicep curl. They increase coordination and build buff muscles! Another bonus—unlike some pieces of exercises equipment, these guys won’t break the bank. And better yet, they aren’t a big space taker in your home. Just stick them in a drawer or under a bed! If you’re new to resistance bands, 

Try these four exercises below and do 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions of each, 3-5 days a week. How do you choose the correct resistance band? You should reach moderate to maximum muscle fatigue between 15-20 repetitions. If your band is too easy, you’ll know. If it’s too hard, you won’t be able to complete the full range of motion. Stay in control and keep a steady pace. Adding music with a steady tempo is also a great way to stay motivated!

Give this workout a try and “Bottoms Up!”

Basic Squat

Stand on resistance band with feet hip-width apart, holding band behind the back of your arms. Slowly lower into a seated position, pushing your glutes behind you and putting the weight into your heels. Now just as slowly, begin to return to starting position making sure to squeeze your buns as you come up. Keep your abdominals tight throughout the move and your spine long; do not bend forward.

Lunge With Bonus Bicep Curl

Place the ball of your right foot on the band while holding the handles in front of your thighs; palms up. Step the ball of the left foot behind you keeping the heel off the floor. Slowly lower the back knee down until the front knee forms a 90 degree angle. Now press through the front heel while lifting your body back up to the starting position. Keep the spine tall throughout the move. BONUS: As you lower down, perform a bicep curl with the band. Do lunges on each side.


Stand with the balls of both feet on the band about hip distance apart. Keeping your abdominals tight and spine long, hinge slightly forward. Bend your elbows and hold the handles close to your body. Keeping your torso straight, slowly lower down reaching handles of the band toward the ground. One your back is parallel with the floor, squeeze your glutes and hamstrings as you return to starting position.

Straight Leg Glute Squeeze

Place the center of your feet on the band, hip-width apart and hold the handles next to your hip bones. Stand tall, tighten your abdominals and press your right leg out diagonally behind you keeping your leg straight. Press through the outside of your heel. Press several times on the right leg and then switch to the left. Or alternate legs!

Source: robolikesifit.tumblr.com


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